Transcend Yourself

An intentional lifestyle. A discipline.


Go Deeper.

Hi. My name is Nina and I am obsessed with sharing the practices I have used to take my life beyond the tick-tock world of the average 3D existence into the field of infinite potentiality and flow. Dis-ease has been eased. Strength has been gained. Weaknesses have been identified and worked with. Intellectual breath has expanded. Flexibility has improved. Joy is an easily accessible experience. Mental chains have been broken. I can say I have found a flow that works. A direct path within to an eternally flowing fountain of universal wisdom. So, having said all that, have I “finished” working? No. The work of growth and expansion is never done. Like the planets, we come into this existence with an inherent, soul-level need to expand. So many suffer because they forgot their greatness and they have been playing small. If anything, I see myself as a coach to help you see how hugely magnificent you are. I live to experience the moment when a client or student moves from self-judgment into self-love. I can teach you that because I learned it when my teachers sent me to go within. 


I credit my life-long relationship with fitness as the initial spark in the process that led me toward important life changes that hugely improved the quality of my life, the depth of my experience on this earth, and my understanding of my own power as a sovereign individual.


Involvement with one fitness practice usually leads to involvement with another. I have developed a fascination with the human machine in all its facets that continues to grow and I constantly learn and study to offer my students and clients variety and freedom of thought as well as the latest science-supported approaches to wellbeing.


My fitness philosophy includes a variety of facets. I believe in yoga and mat pilates for muscular and mental endurance as well as purpose and flexibility. I believe in strength training for longevity, posture maintenance, and bone density. I believe in training the heart with consistent, low intensity cardio or varieties of high intensity interval training. The well fit, adaptable human tends to all these in a balanced way and is ready when real life calls for adaptability, agility, and strength.