Kundalini Yoga

Seriously, did you join a cult?   Haha no. Really.   Many a Kundalini Yoga practitioner has dealt with the question. The obsession with the practice develops like any other. Like one for Yoga, CrossFit, Barre, Pilates, Track and Field, Cycling, Golf, etc…   Of course, yes, I acknowledge there is a “seeking”, spiritual element… Continue reading Kundalini Yoga

Sound Healing Therapy

What on god’s green earth is going on here?   Haha. I am remembering a story, where some tourists were telling me about their experiences at the Pyramids of Chi in Bali. I have personally skipped the Pyramids so far and I am not against a visit, but I could understand why they left and… Continue reading Sound Healing Therapy

On Strength and Conditioning

“Yes, I love yoga, but I am a personal trainer and I say you need to also lift some heavier weights.” Nina R   Why I think the truly fit person has cardio, recovery, and strength training.   People ask me all the time how do I “tone” this or that, or how do I… Continue reading On Strength and Conditioning

Reiki. What is it and why did I study it?

According to Reiki.org, reiki is: “…a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then… Continue reading Reiki. What is it and why did I study it?

Mat Pilates: What, why, and how? Why all the Pilates peeps have the best posture.

“Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase.” Joseph Pilates   There is no way you are alive in Southern California, in the West Coast, and for that matter, the East and the South, no matter where you live, there is no way you have not heard the word “P I… Continue reading Mat Pilates: What, why, and how? Why all the Pilates peeps have the best posture.

What exactly is BARRE and where did it come from?

“It is true that everything worthwhile in life is worth working hard for, and surely it is worth a little hard work to achieve a super shapely body that works well, a body full of vitality that makes you feel happy to be alive.” -Lottie Berk   If you have ever attended a barre class,… Continue reading What exactly is BARRE and where did it come from?